Friday, December 17, 2021

December 13th-17th

 Hello everyone, 

This week in math the grade 3 students continued to practice on their 3 digit subtraction with regrouping skills. The students have been working hard to master this skill and have shown a lot of pride in their hard work and improvement. Any continued practice on this concept at home will be beneficial as we move forward in Math. 

Thank you everyone for your support and help during this first part of the school year. I hope everyone has a restful break spent with your families. Looking forward to welcoming back everyone on Tuesday, January 4th!

Friday, December 10, 2021

Dec. 6th-10th

 Hello Families,

This week, students at Ramsay all had the opportunity to participate in the Clay for Kids fused glass art residency. 

This was a new and exciting way create and express ourselves through our artwork. Students did an excellent job listening to the instructors, sharing materials and being respectful throughout the lesson. 

I can use different tools and mediums to create my art. 

Notes for Next Week:

Monday, December 13th

Tuesday, December 14th

-School Spirit Day wear your Ramsay shirt to school.

Wednesday, December 15th 

- Holiday Sweater Day

 - Student council Winter craft sale (students bring money if they wish to purchase a craft.)

-Library Book return day

- Community Walk 1:20-2:50 Please bring appropriate outdoor clothing

Thursday, December 16th

-Christmas hat day

Friday, December 17th

-Pyjama day

-Last day of classes before the Winter break.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Nov. 29th- Dec. 3rd

 Hello families, 

This week in Social Studies the grade 2/3's have spent some time comparing our community here in Calgary to Atlantic communities in Nova Scotia. Students have been talking about landmarks that make our city special and unique. We have also looked at Atlantic communities and discussed different landmarks that exist there. We are currently in the midst of writing postcards to grade 3/4 students (without including any personal info) in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia sharing about the Calgary landmarks that we think are important for them to know about. 

I can investigate Canada's Dynamic Communities

Notes For Next Week:

Tuesday, December 7th Clay Art Residency
Wednesday, December 8th Community Walk 1:20-2:50 PM Please bring proper clothing
Thursday December 9th Library Day Please return all books

June 24th, 2022

 Hello families,  Today we had a successful activity day! Despite the rain we still had a blast playing games, creating art with Kindergarte...