Friday, September 24, 2021

September 20th-24th

 Hello families, 

Thanks so much for taking the time to join in on meet the teacher conferences. It was great getting the opportunity to speak with everyone. 

A couple of notes for this upcoming week: 

-Our Library day is every Wednesday. Please have students return any library books they may have. 

-Orange Shirt Day will be on Wednesday, September 29th. This is to honour those who attended residential schools. 

-Thursday, Sept. 30 will be a non-operational day to commemorate truth and reconciliation across the Calgary Board of Education. This means there will be no classes and schools will be closed for the day.

This week in Room 7:

I can determine which materials will float and which ones will sink 

In Science, we spent some time learning about the word density and how to predict which objects will sink, and which will float. After some demonstrations, students were given their own materials and were asked to make their predictions before testing. Then, students were asked to demonstrate their knowledge through a visual journal page. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

September 13th-17th

 Hello families,

This week we used the Terry Fox run to discuss the goals he set and his determination to achieve them. As a class we talked about what our goals are , as well as how to set and achieve personal goals.  

The next steps for our class is to come up with an action plan to help us reach our goals.

I can set goals and strive to improve.

Please sign up for Meet the Teacher (virtually) September 23rd and 24th. Looking forward to chatting with everyone! 

Friday, September 10, 2021

September 10th, 2021

 Hello Families, 

Here is a snippet of this week's learning:

I can create and extend at least 3 repeating patterns 

I can investigate and show examples of repeating patterns in real life.

In Math we spent this week identifying and creating our own patterns using symbols, shapes, letters, sound and direction. We looked at examples of patterns that appear in nature, and then tried to spot as many as we could on our community walk. We are using the examples we found on our walk to create a piece of patterned pop art. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

First Week of Grade 2 and 3!

Hello Families, 

It was a great first week welcoming students into the classroom and getting to know everyone! Here is a snapshot of our learning this week:

Classroom Rules and School Wide Expectations 

I can understand and follow community expectations 

We spent time as a class discussing what is expected at Ramsay school and how we show care for ourselves, others and our learning environment. We also worked as a group to brainstorm ideas around these two questions:

-What makes a good student?

-What makes a good teacher?

Looking forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday, September 7th. 

June 24th, 2022

 Hello families,  Today we had a successful activity day! Despite the rain we still had a blast playing games, creating art with Kindergarte...